• 5 out of 5 • 10 ratings

Report Findings

3 out of 4  of leaders are unwilling to rethink their own point of view

1 in 10 leaders hold their teams responsible for things beyond their control


Some of our Recommendations

Develop your own personal mission statement. Know your values, identify your purpose and live it.

Be action orientated do not confuse a full diary with busy – set yourself a goal each day to achieve a tangible output by the end of every day

Focus on what works rather than problems. The situation does not change but you can change your attitude toward it.


The Components of Ownership 



Taking initiative

Leaders demonstrate ownership by identifying and taking opportunities.

Assuming Responsibility

Leaders show ownership by taking responsibility and being accountable for their decisions and those of their team.

Managing upwards

Leaders demonstrate ownership by building trusting relationships with all colleagues.


Leaders demonstrate ownership by delegating appropriately.

Learning from mistakes

Leaders demonstrate ownership by taking a positive approach to learning from mistakes.

Time management

Leaders demonstrate ownership by managing their time to maximise impact.

Decision making

Leaders demonstrate ownership by knowing when to make decisions.

Problem solving

Leaders show ownership by being solution focused.

Critical reflection

Leaders show ownership by encouraging reflective practice.

Social responsibility

Leaders demonstrate ownership by being socially responsible in all of their activities.


Leaders demonstrate ownership by taking responsibility for their own learning.

Personal brand

Leaders demonstrate ownership by understanding the role of their personal brand in developing their credibility. 

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Meet our Ownership Ambassador, Dame Kathy August



"The biggest lesson I've learnt in forty years is this, that culture of an organisation is critical, it is the key"

Dame Kathy August