Leadership Essentials: Developing Talent

Talent spotting is the act of evaluating the performance of existing members of staff and potential recruits to fill gaps within an organisation. Spotting talent within your own organisation and developing it is a cost-effective way of meeting developing organisational needs and quickly providing a competitive edge in your market place. Recruiting externally can be expensive, but it may have certain advantages in that new employees will bring a fresh view and widen the experiences of your team and, in some industries, diversify your client base. Whatever route you take to recruit new talent, you need to be able to know how to spot and assess the talent you need accurately and reliably.

‘Leadership Essentials: Developing Talent’ provides an overview of why developing talent is essential for leadership capability and includes ‘Top Tips’ on how developing talent can help you become a better leader.

The Essentials leaflet is supported by three Spotlights that look at developing talent in more detail to help you improve your leadership skills:

  • Talent Spotting
  • Succession Planning
  • Non-Financial Rewards


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